Be Bold Street Ministry (BBSM)

Be Bold Street Ministry (BBSM)

In our continuing efforts to share and support the great things God is doing around the world, we’d like to feature – Be Bold Street Ministry (BBSM). Based in Salem, OR – BBSM serve the homeless around the nation (and globally) by partnering with local...
Sus Hijos (El Salvador)

Sus Hijos (El Salvador)

Kurt and his team at @SusHijos (His Children) in El Salvador continue to do what they can to serve local kids, families, the homeless and public servants (ie. police) within the CV-19 constraints. Many global-ministries have been strongly affected by CV-19,...
Room for Joy (Phoenix, AZ)

Room for Joy (Phoenix, AZ)

Tory Smock (CEO/Founder) Tory and her team are dedicated to enhancing the healing process of chronically ill children by providing fun, positive, imaginative, medically appropriate room environments. So far, they have transformed over 50 rooms. Please pray...

Refugee Relief

Refuge Relief is at it again! They are working to send another 40 ft. container of food (280,000 meals) to refugee camps in Uganda, Africa. This food is distributed through 40 refugee pastors associated with Africa Inland Church. Please pray for:...