This is why we help equip ministries!
“Watch to see where God is working and join Him in His work.” – Henry Blackaby (Experiencing God)
It’s so powerful when God gives us the opportunity to partner with him in bringing life transformation; to be a catalyst for something amazing! That’s exactly what happened in the Fall of 2023.
As we’ve done before, Seed2Life partnered with Venture 1:9’s Micro-Grant program to help teach, coach and mentor fundraising skills to new(er) ministries. One of the ministries Seed2Life chose to sponsor with a $2500 grant was Raising Arizona’s Men (RAM). Over the course of 90 days, they’d be shown how to leverage the grant to at least $10K. However, they would exceed that by a long shot. They turned the $2500 into $22,300! If that wasn’t awesome enough, what God was about to do, you just can’t make up. RAM’s original plan was to use the funds to purchase a much-needed van to transport the boys in their group home.
The perfect van for them was being sold by a gentleman who told Renee (RAM’s Executive Director) that he’d been praying that the van would be used to make a difference in the lives of others. The van was purchased, and it just so happened that RAM was hosting an event for the boys the next day and invited the van’s seller. Not only did the man come to the event to see what RAM was all about, but he led one of the group home boys to Christ! You see, the boy primarily spoke Spanish and the man that came that sold them the van also spoke Spanish (no one else in their home did). It’s so cool to see how God orchestrates timing, circumstances, and opportunities to bring life transformation.
At Seed2Life, we equip ministries to serve their community and share the Gospel. We equip ministries to transform lives. This story is a perfect example of why we do what we do.